Latest Fishing Reports: United Kingdom

  • 04/2009 Fishing Report by Glen Milligan on Wight Huntress III (Portsmouth, Hampshire)

    Apr 2009 by Glen Milligan

    Report on-board Wight Huntress III

    As we near the end of April its all about BIG Bream at the moment, Here I am with a 3lb fish taken last week. We're catching loads of Bream at the moment and also we return lots too!!!!
    Aswell as Bream we have plenty of Smoothounds moving inshore every day, fish to 15lbs with the large females arriving very soon, together with the Tope! This is a great time of year around here!
    As a new boat I do have several really good tides free and available for booking.

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  • 23/04/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    23 Apr 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    "THE WALTONS" - Bill Walton and his small group of friends came out on a specialised trip for plaice and turbot.They were not dissapointed.I set up a drift on the mussel beds and on the first drift four plaice were caught and the same on the next drift this was added by a few more in the next hour including a 5Ib 2oz plaice caught by Bill him self.Bill in fact landed four plaice.Then we drifted the famous Shambles Bank and caught two turbot weighing 11Ib and 9Ib also a cod of 6Ib.So all in all a satisfactory day at the office despite the thick fog that we had to endure all day.Just a special note to a member of the group who did note catch a plaice or a turbot,Fred did well catching dogfish and pout clearing them out the way for the others to catch the flatty's,perhaps it will Fred's turn for the flatty's next time.

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  • 25/04/2009 Fishing Report by gary humm on Swin Ranger (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    25 Apr 2009 by gary humm

    Report on-board Swin Ranger

    fishing on the 25 th of april was steady for some on the boat skate still being the main species being caught with plenty of females which were catch and release
    along with a few sizeable whiting and one of the last inshore codling making a apperance just as we hauled the anchor all in all plesant day even though the wind picked up for the journey home.........

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  • 19/04/2009 Fishing Report by Carl Davies on Gwen-Paul-M (Conwy, Conwy)

    19 Apr 2009 by Carl Davies

    Report on-board Gwen-Paul-M

    Plenty of pollack to 10lb on offshore wrecks on April 18th and 19th. Taken on a variety of jelly worms, sidewinders and shads.

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  • 04/2009 Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    Apr 2009 by Gethyn Owen

    Report on-board My Way 2

    The weather over the Easter period has certainly been a god send to many of us involved within the angling industry. Friends with boats, shops and a few in the wholesale trade have all reported brisk business, with many grateful for the fairly settled spell of calm seas and sunshine giving many the warm glow required to get 2009 off to a flier.

    As reported previously the fishing has been gathering momentum with an almost daily basis, although I must add that the spurdogs are still eluding me in any great number.
    Our inshore pollack fishing continues to improve, with many crews enjoying a few nice fillets to take home for the family.

    The wrasse family have been surprisingly obliging over the past fortnight. Usually they are a little hit and miss until we are well into May. The warmer calmer weather experienced over recent weeks has seen many ballans come to the side of the boat. Nothing monstrous but fish to 3lb on fairly light gear certainly put up a fight.

    Rough ground marks out in the deeps have in general been slow, few huss, spurs and congers, but a boundless amount of doggies infuriating most anglers with the 180ft haul up from the sea bed. With nothing to lose, a change of tact was required earlier this week and a search for new ground was thought fit – after all, with the elusiveness of double figure quarry in the deeps, there was nothing much to lose.

    A good nose through the charts and an series of 170ft rocks in and around a 240ft bed seemed like a nice holding point for a variety of species. A few miles off my usual haunts it was going to be an interesting few hours afloat.

    Well, the move proved successful, no spurs sadly, but this mark produce more dogfish than huss with most specimens topping double figures with many around the 15lb mark, add these catches to 2 dropped tope (early season for us, so not geared for them), this is mark that is without doubt going to be re-visited when tide and wearther allows a little offshore venture.

    Last line – if you’re looking forward to a days fishing, stay off the booze the night before.
    It doesn’t suit everyone, and if you’re not sure how you’ll react – a stomach full of pints and whiskey chasers is not the way to find out.

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  • 18/04/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    18 Apr 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    LUCKY PANTS - Max Boyes age 11 had a sleep in the cabin for three hours then came out and strarted fishing and within minutes landed a plaice weighing 4Ib thus showing his dad and mates how to catch a plaice.He said to his dad after landing the flatty that he was wearing his lucky pants.Max was using a 15Ib clas rod and bait was ragworm and squid bait.

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  • 23/04/2009 Fishing Report by ROB SHEPHERD on Chrisanda (Shotley, Suffolk)

    23 Apr 2009 by ROB SHEPHERD

    Report on-board Chrisanda

    Breezy day ,end of season cod fishing , hopes were not high ! How wrong i was, best days cod fishing i've had in years if not ever ! Skipper came up trumps with 4 of us catching 50 + cod upto 10 pounds , and a bonus hard fighting Spurdog weighing in at 15 pounds 8 oz . good quality squid provided by the boat accounted for all the catch and to round it off bacon butties and as much tea as you could drink, what more could you want ! Cant wait for the next trip , looking to target one of those big dogs or hit into some thornies . HAPPY DAYS !!!!

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  • 19/04/2009 Fishing Report by Causeway Boats on Causeway Boats (Portrush, County Antrim)

    19 Apr 2009 by Causeway Boats

    Report on-board Causeway Boats

    sunday the 19th of april,

    we had a great days fishing on sunday

    top days fishing, suprized by variety of fish caught.
    2 boxes in total.
    mackerel, gurnard, whiting, pollock, few cod and a ling.

    sea state and weather where top class on the day and a good day was had by all. lads have booked again for later in the summer.

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  • 04/2009 Fishing Report by Alex kweller on Predator (Poole, Dorset)

    Apr 2009 by Alex kweller

    Report on-board Predator


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  • 20/04/2009 Fishing Report by Warren Scott on South Today (Chichester, West Sussex)

    20 Apr 2009 by Warren Scott

    Report on-board South Today

    Finally after a long winter the season has started with a superb weekend on the Smoothound to 15 pounds. Sat and sunday we had a total of 23 fish at the Nab area and a good bag of Black Bream on the close inshore marks, All in all a very enjoyable week end at sea. Best regards to all Mac

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